regional hubs
Lombardia Regional Hub
Italy NUTS2
Hub geographical area
The Hub geographical area is Regional, the entire Lombardy region, the fourth Italian region for extension and one of the most advanced regions in terms of agriculture. Lombardy is, moreover, active region at international level through different initiatives related to bioeconomy: among such initiatives, the region is coordinating the Bioeconomy Pilot within the Vanguard Initiative
Hub topic(s)
Most relevant aspects/main issues
- No connection between agriculture and industry (supply chain gaps)
- Lack of information about biomass availability and producers’ needs
- Lack of communication channels and training opportunities for farmers
Specific goals
- Unlock full potential of local available biomass (including waste) by creating new business opportunities and collaborations/partnerships between the different actors of the value chains
- Lack of information about biomass availability and producers’ needs
- Support the use of the one-stop-shop developed by the RuralBioU project
- Provide easy tools supporting training needs
Economic sectors, clusters and/or value chains involved
All bio-based value chains starting from agricultural primary or secondary biomasses (including agrifood waste). The main targeted sectors (as very relevant in Lombardy region) are:
- Pharma and cosmetic
- Polymers and textile
- Building and construction
- Food and feed
- Fine and bulk chemicals
Central valorisation activities in the hub
These will be presented during the project timeline.
Key policy drivers
- Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (highlighting bioeconomy as one of the key pillars of regional strategy)
- The Italian Bioeconomy strategy
- Regional Development Programme (PSR)